How Old is Your Dog in Dog Years? It Might Be Much Different Than You Expect!

dog years conversion for a french bull dog

Despite what you’ve been told, multiplying your dog's age by 7 does not accurately represent your dog's age. In reality, It's a bit more complicated. You might be surprised to find out that your dog is actually a lot older (in human years) than you’ve previously thought.

Human Years vs. Dog Years

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed a formula that accurately shows the age progression in dogs compared to humans. Dogs have been shown to age much more rapidly in their first few years and slow down in their later years. This is a big change compared to the linear 1:7 ratio model everyone followed previously.

This means that through your dog's first year of life, they go from ages 1 to around 31 years old in human years. A 2-year-old dog in human years would be 49. Shocker, right?

This rapid progression slows down around age 7. For instance, a 7-year-old dog is 62 human years old. An 8-year-old dog is 64. The difference in dog years compared to human years is much smaller in mature dogs than in juveniles.

The chart below shows the age progression in dogs compared to humans.

Dog Years— The Science Behind It

This new formula is based on something called DNA methylation patterns and is used to determine age in regards to our epigenetic clock. Researchers have discovered trackable and quantifiable patterns in methyl groups on canine DNA that correlate with the methyl groups on human DNA for the specific age ranges. This means that a 7-week-old puppy shows the same methyl groups on its DNA as a 9-month-old human. They’re both experiencing similar life stages like growing teeth, for example.

Going Forward

With this developing knowledge, many veterinarians and researchers can better understand their patients and how to treat them. One group is hoping that studying these methyl groups can help veterinarians identify why and how some dog breeds are prone to developing serious medical conditions significantly earlier than other breeds. Other practices can utilize this formula to provide improved, age-appropriate treatment. Owner education on dog years and the medical implications this can bring is also important.

With this new information, it's vital to bring your pets in yearly for a check-up. This ensures they are in good health and any medical issues are resolved before they get out of hand.