Benefits of Pets on Your Health

Living in 2020 during a pandemic has magnified the many benefits of pets. COVID-19 has exposed us to more than just a virus. It’s exposed us to isolation, feelings of loss and grief, fear, anxiety, frustration, and many other negative emotions that can affect our health.

These potent emotions can tax us and lead to loneliness, depression, and worse. When the lockdowns began, it was reported that pet adoptions began to surge. Was this a coincidence or did people intuitively know the benefits of pets? Did they rush to find a companion they knew could help them cope with an uncertain future? One that was reliable, loving, and unfazed by the craziness of life during a pandemic? A friend who's only expectation centered around your repeatedly throwing a ball?

Studies Supporting the Benefits of Pets

The benefits of pets in our life are abundant, ranging from stress reduction to providing emotional support or service to individuals requiring it. A psychologist and professor at Western Carolina University, Harold Herzog, has studied the pet-human connection and has developed a list of benefits, including higher survival rates, fewer heart attacks, less loneliness, lower rates of depression, lower stress levels, and better sleep to name a few.

In fact, a study by Indiana University found that the simple activity of watching cat videos online improved viewers’ emotional outlook. Therapeutic horseback riding programs help autistic kids develop emotional bonds and improve their ability to communicate with parents and peers. These same riding programs are a source of solace for military veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Pet owners everywhere have experienced the joy of their dog’s adoration upon arriving home or the comfort of their cat curling up in their lap. That is just one of the gifts they give to you and the only gift they expect in return is you.