Is grass Good for Dogs? Learn all About Home Dog Turf

Grass is good for dogs. Considering purchasing home dog turf.

Modern-day dog owners, take note. If you don’t have a yard, you live in an apartment, or are unable to walk your dog… There is a solution! Grass pads are similar to pee pads in that they provide a designated place for your pup to do his or her business without needing to be taken on a walk or let outside in a yard. These grass pads are made of real or synthetic grass. They are a great solution to apartment living, accessibility issues, inclement weather, even potty training a puppy! If you have an unvaccinated dog or puppy, having a grass pad in your home is safer than walking them outside before they're fully vaccinated.

Depending on your situation, one may suit you better than the other.

Real Grass

Real grass pads are just that- real grass! These are grown without soil, so there’s no need to worry about tracking in mud. Instead of soil, the dense roots hold it’s shape and provide excellent absorption of liquid and odor. Solid waste needs to be scooped and removed. Real grass pads come in a disposable cardboard box to make clean-up easy. Most dogs prefer real grass over synthetic grass.

Since these are live plants, extreme heat or cold can decrease the longevity of your grass pad. Larger breeds will need more than one pad, which will double your cost. When real grass pads need to be replaced, you’ll need to purchase a new one. Repurchasing can get expensive, but some companies offer monthly discounts and deals. Delivery services are also available through some companies. You can subscribe to have new grass pads delivered to you bi-weekly or monthly, so you'll never be stuck without one. Some even include the removal and disposal of the old grass pad.

Synthetic Grass

Synthetic grass pads are made of plastic, are reusable, and last significantly longer than real grass. They are designed to allow liquid waste to travel through the “grass” and into a collection tray. Synthetic pads save money in the long run and are great for temporary potty training.

The downside of synthetic is the amount of maintenance needed. Synthetic pads need to be emptied and cleaned regularly to avoid disease and odor. Since this is more involved than throwing away a box, it wouldn’t be the best choice for those with accessibility concerns.

Why is grass good for dogs?

Dogs are naturally drawn towards the grass, so real grass pads are a great choice. Having access to grass is good for dogs, even if it’s only a patch of grass on the balcony. Dogs with trouble walking due to arthritis or other diseases also benefit from a grass pad. It helps mimic how they would normally relieve themselves, which reduces accidents in your apartment, speeds up potty training, and reinforces natural habits.