Your Cat Can’t Be Vegan, But Your Dog Can

vegan pets

Since 2004, the number of vegans in the United States has risen 300%. With veganism on the rise, more people are looking for ways to make their pets go vegan as well. After all, there are over 134 million cats and dogs in America, not to mention all the other types of pets that people own. Many worry about the carbon footprint of having a pet, much of which comes from the food that they eat. Because of this, Earth-conscious pet owners are looking for ways to make their dogs’ and cats’ diets more sustainable, with one option being veganism for pets. But the vegan diet isn’t for every animal.

Why A Vegan Diet is Unhealthy for Cats

If you’ve dreamed of having a vegan cat, you’re in for some bad news. According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), a vegan diet is not a sustainable option for cats. Why? Cats are referred to as “obligate carnivores.” This means that they need the fats, nutrients, and amino acids that come from eating meat in order to survive. Cats also need diets that are high in protein and an amino acid called taurine that can only be found in animal products. They’re also bad at digesting carbohydrates, which are abundant in vegan food.

Can My Dog Be Vegan?

It is possible but difficult to keep your dog healthy while feeding them a plant-based diet. While sometimes seen as carnivores, there is emerging evidence that dogs are actually omnivores. If you decide to have your dog make the change to veganism, you need to make sure that they are getting the proper amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in their diet.

What Vegan Food Can I Give My Dog?

Luckily, there are several companies that sell plant-based dog food. These products are usually created to contain all the nutrients necessary to keep your dog happy and healthy. Still, you should speak with your veterinarian before making any decision.

You may also choose to cook food for your dog at home. While this is an option, you should again consult your veterinarian to discuss possible meals for your pup. Some staples in a vegan dog’s diet may include:

  • Vegetables (Carrots, Broccoli, etc.)

  • Rice

  • Quinoa

  • Lentils

  • Certain Beans

  • Spinach

  • Kale

When you’re whipping up meals for your dog at home, it’s also important to be aware of the foods you should avoid giving your dog.